Statistical Data Analytics In Excel – Section D: Setting Bounds (Constructing Prediction Intervals) for Regression


Now that you know how to run regression in an audit context, learn how to build statistical bounds and add benchmarks to your analysis. Why do this? Eliminate the need for judgment calls or grey areas by statistically defining outliers and being able to put some math into your conclusions. When was the last time you could start your report with the words “I am 95% confident that… “.
Pre-requisite knowledge: It is assumed you are familiar with the concepts of Section C before completing this section.
Module length 75-90 mins, self-paced. Course Module available for 30 days after purchasing.
This is 4 of 7 modules of a complete course. Discounts apply if all 7 modules of the course are purchased as a package.


View the course module here after purchase: SDA – Section D: Setting Bounds (Constructing Prediction Intervals) for Regression

This course was developed in the USA, however it does include reference to equivalent International Audit Standards (ISA’s) that have been adopted by other countries.

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Course Title Statistical Data Analytics… In Excel!